Baturalp Buyukates

Baturalp Buyukates‘ research interests are in the areas of machine learning, distributed systems, communications, networks, and information theory. His current research focus is on secure, trustworthy, and verifiable federated learning, privacy-preserving machine learning, responsible data economics and valuation for machine learning and analytics, blockchain systems, and timely information exchange in distributed systems. In his research,…Continue Reading Baturalp Buyukates

Abdul Haddi Amjad

Abdul Haddi Amjad’s research focuses on solving internet security and privacy problem using software engineering techniques. The main objective of his research is to overcome the limitations of privacy-enhancing technologies and create automated frameworks using software engineering techniques, such as automated fault localization. Amjad is a Ph.D student at Virginia Tech. His advisors are Muhammad…Continue Reading Abdul Haddi Amjad