Tu Le

Tu Le‘s research interests broadly include interdisciplinary research in Security and Privacy, Internet of Things (IoT), and Human-Computer Interaction with applications to Urban Systems and Public Policy. He has worked on several topics such as the security and privacy of voice-controlled devices, privacy protection for non-experts, and privacy preferences for smart building data collections. His…Continue Reading Tu Le

Baturalp Buyukates

Baturalp Buyukates‘ research interests are in the areas of machine learning, distributed systems, communications, networks, and information theory. His current research focus is on secure, trustworthy, and verifiable federated learning, privacy-preserving machine learning, responsible data economics and valuation for machine learning and analytics, blockchain systems, and timely information exchange in distributed systems. In his research,…Continue Reading Baturalp Buyukates

Basileal Imana

Basileal Imana’s research interests broadly lie in studying privacy and algorithmic fairness properties of real-world systems on the Internet. He is currently focused on developing novel methods for auditing the fairness of algorithms used to deliver content on social media platforms without introducing new privacy risks to platforms and users. Postdoc Scholar advised by Aleksandra…Continue Reading Basileal Imana

Yahya Ezzeldin

Yahya Ezzeldin’s research interest are on problems related to privacy and fairness in federated learning. His current work is on developing algorithms that allow for fair training in federated learning while still maintaining privacy guarantees to the system clients. He works closely with Salman Avestimehr….Continue Reading Yahya Ezzeldin