Elisa Cabana

Elisa Cabana completed a postdoc at IMDEA Networks in 2023 and is now an associate professor at CUNEF Universidad. Her research interests include machine learning, deep learning, and privacy-preserving anomaly detection. She is currently developing an early warning system for predicting epidemic spread and risk of contagion using mobile phone data to detect possible hospitalizations,…Continue Reading Elisa Cabana

Ivan De Oliveira Nunes

Ivan De Oliveira Nunes graduated in 2021 and is now an Assistant Professor of Computing Security at the Rochester Institute of Technology. His research interests span the fields of Security & Privacy, Computer Networking, Embedded Systems, Applied Cryptography, and their intersections. He was advised by Gene Tsudik….Continue Reading Ivan De Oliveira Nunes

Ahmed Elkordy

Ahmed Elkordy’s research interest include privacy preserving, secure and efficient distributed machine learning at the edge. Specifically, Elkordy has been working towards filling the gap between the algorithmic advance of federated learning (FL) with secure model aggregation and its theoretical guarantees. He also has been working in developing efficient algorithms that ensure security against malicious…Continue Reading Ahmed Elkordy