Ivan De Oliveira Nunes

Ivan De Oliveira Nunes graduated in 2021 and is now an Assistant Professor of Computing Security at the Rochester Institute of Technology. His research interests span the fields of Security & Privacy, Computer Networking, Embedded Systems, Applied Cryptography, and their intersections. He was advised by Gene Tsudik….Continue Reading Ivan De Oliveira Nunes

Sashidhar Jakkamsetti

Sashidhar Jakkamsetti graduated in 2023 and is now a researcher at Bosch Labs. His research interests are in Embedded Systems Security. In particular, Sashi designs hardware/software co-design architectures to enable root-of-trust and related services for resource-constrained IoT devices. He also works on privacy-preserving technologies using applied cryptography (MPC) and secure hardware (TEE). He was advised…Continue Reading Sashidhar Jakkamsetti

Yoshimichi Nakatsuka

Yoshimichi Nakatsuka graduated in 2023 and is now a postdoc at ETH Zurich. His research interests lie at the intersection of Web security / privacy and Confidential Computing. Through his research, he aims to build secure and private systems that protect our data from malicious parties. He was advised by Gene Tsudik….Continue Reading Yoshimichi Nakatsuka