Baturalp Buyukates

Baturalp Buyukates‘ completed his postdoc with Salman Avestimehr in 2024 and is now an assistant professor at the University of Birmingham, with the Socio-Technical Systems group of the School of Computer Science. His research interests are in the areas of machine learning, distributed systems, communications, networks, and information theory. His current research focus is on secure,…Continue Reading Baturalp Buyukates

Ahmed Elkordy

Ahmed Elkordy’s research interest include privacy preserving, secure and efficient distributed machine learning at the edge. Specifically, Elkordy has been working towards filling the gap between the algorithmic advance of federated learning (FL) with secure model aggregation and its theoretical guarantees. He also has been working in developing efficient algorithms that ensure security against malicious…Continue Reading Ahmed Elkordy

Yahya Ezzeldin

Yahya Ezzeldin’s research interest are on problems related to privacy and fairness in federated learning. His current work is on developing algorithms that allow for fair training in federated learning while still maintaining privacy guarantees to the system clients. He works closely with Salman Avestimehr….Continue Reading Yahya Ezzeldin