Javad Dogani

Javad Dogani‘s ongoing research pursuits include the development of federated learning models customized to the specific requirements of distributed platforms, such as those employed in edge and fog computing. Javad received his M.Sc. degree in software engineering from Shiraz University in 2012 and completed his Ph.D. in software engineering from the same university in 2023….Continue Reading Javad Dogani

Behafarid Hemmatpour

Behafarid Hemmatpour‘s research interests are in traffic optimization and smart cities. Her expertise lies in statistical physics, complex networks, and modeling mobility patterns. Delving into human mobility and movement behaviors, she now aspire to devise algorithms and systems that tackle real-world challenges through data analysis. PhD student advised by Nikolaous Laoutaris….Continue Reading Behafarid Hemmatpour

Alexandr Goultiaev Tolstokorov

Alexandr Tolstokorov‘s research interests lie broadly along distributed and decentralized machine learning, the data economy, data valuation and the ways to ensure privacy and transparency in such systems. His current work is in exploring the role of data valuation and the cost associated with it in federated data marketplaces. PhD Student advised by Nikolaos Laoutaris….Continue Reading Alexandr Goultiaev Tolstokorov

Elisa Cabana

Elisa Cabana completed a postdoc at IMDEA Networks in 2023 and is now an associate professor at CUNEF Universidad. Her research interests include machine learning, deep learning, and privacy-preserving anomaly detection. She is currently developing an early warning system for predicting epidemic spread and risk of contagion using mobile phone data to detect possible hospitalizations,…Continue Reading Elisa Cabana