Visitor Information


Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Building (ISEB)
419 S. Circle View Drive, Suite 6400
Irvine, CA 92697

Take the elevator to 6th floor, make a direct right through the wooden door to access our suite. For any questions please email

ISEB is Building 419 in quadrant F-5 on the campus map.


A valid parking permit is required at all times when parking on campus. Visitors may purchase a permit at any information kiosk, dispenser, or through UCI’s ParkbyPlate App (located in select parking areas). Physical permits must be displayed at all times.

Visit the UCI Transportation and Distribution Services website for additional information on permits and where you can park.

Important for guests: Please make sure to park in stalls, in designated visitor parking lots, allocated to your permit type.General parking passes work forunmarked stalls.Reserved parking passeswork forAR Reserved marked stalls. Stalls are typically marked with paint or posted signs; please be aware of all signs in lots.

Self Service

The closest parking lots to ISEB are 12B, 16, and 16H; these lots are self service only, no parking attendant is available. The permit dispenser (below) is located at the entrance of lot 16/16H on Michael Drake Dr.

Lot 12B is in quadrant G5 on the campus map.

This lot is directly behind ISEB, however onlyReservedpermits work here.

Lot 16 is in quadrant G5 on the campus map.

GeneralandReservedpermits work here. Please note, Reservedstalls are located toward the front of lot (closer to ISEB).

Lot 16H is in quadrant G4 on the campus map.

Generalpermits or ParkbyPlate (app) work here.

Anteater Parking Structure

The closest parking lot to ISEB with a parking attendant/information kiosk is at Anteater Parking Structure.

If we reserve a permit for your visit, you will need to pick up the permit here. You may drive to ISEB after picking up your permit, or you may park at Anteater and take a 15min walk to ISEB.

Anteater Parking Structure is in quadrant E7 on the campus map and has an attendant at the information kiosk located through the Anteater Drive & E Peltason Drive intersection entrance.