Baturalp Buyukates

Baturalp Buyukates‘ completed his postdoc with Salman Avestimehr in 2024 and is now an assistant professor at the University of Birmingham, with the Socio-Technical Systems group of the School of Computer Science. His research interests are in the areas of machine learning, distributed systems, communications, networks, and information theory. His current research focus is on secure,…Continue Reading Baturalp Buyukates

Yoshimichi Nakatsuka

Yoshimichi Nakatsuka graduated in 2023 and is now a postdoc at ETH Zurich. His research interests lie at the intersection of Web security / privacy and Confidential Computing. Through his research, he aims to build secure and private systems that protect our data from malicious parties. He was advised by Gene Tsudik….Continue Reading Yoshimichi Nakatsuka

Devriş İşler

Devriş İşler is interested in data provenance (e.g., data ownership via watermarking) in data economy and creating new SoA techs by taking advantage of cryptography (e.g., MPC, FHE, SSE). Along the line, he is also doing some works on privacy (e.g., user perceptions, privacy policies). PhD Student advised by Nikolaos Laoutaris….Continue Reading Devriş İşler

Seoyeon Hwang

Seoyeon Hwang graduated in 2024 and is now a research scientist at Stealth Software. Her research interests were in the area of Applied Cryptography for data privacy. She explored various cryptographic techniques, such as MPC, PSI, ZKP, HE, etc., and was also interested in genomic security and IoT security relevant to data privacy. She was…Continue Reading Seoyeon Hwang