Caveat (IoT) Emptor advances to CSAW 24 Finals

Congratulations to Gene Tsudik and ProperData alumni Sashidhar Jakkamsetti and PhD student Youngil Kim for advancing to the finals of the 2024 CSAW Applied Research Competition! Their ACM CCS 2023 paper, “Caveat (IoT) Emptor: Towards Transparency of IoT Device Presence” is one of 15 papers selected as finalist from a pool of 194 submissions. The…Continue Reading Caveat (IoT) Emptor advances to CSAW 24 Finals

Ercan Ozturk

Ercan Ozturk graduated in 2021 and is now a Research Scientist at WhatsApp and Meta. His research interest are in Applied Cryptography, Computer & Network Security, and Privacy. He was advised by Gene Tsudik….Continue Reading Ercan Ozturk

Ivan De Oliveira Nunes

Ivan De Oliveira Nunes graduated in 2021 and is now an Assistant Professor of Computing Security at the Rochester Institute of Technology. His research interests span the fields of Security & Privacy, Computer Networking, Embedded Systems, Applied Cryptography, and their intersections. He was advised by Gene Tsudik….Continue Reading Ivan De Oliveira Nunes